A2400 porting thread - page 9 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

A2400 porting thread

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Offline AK

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Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #80 on: 04 / March / 2014, 00:36:42 »
Well here you go... I am not sure how helpful this will be.
I ran the test multiple times just to make sure that the entire test completes like you requested.
So you should see multiple tries in the logs.

Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #81 on: 04 / March / 2014, 08:26:24 »
Well here you go... I am not sure how helpful this will be.
I ran the test multiple times just to make sure that the entire test completes like you requested.
So you should see multiple tries in the logs.
Looks good - thanks. Master spreadsheet updated.
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Offline AK

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Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #82 on: 07 / March / 2014, 08:46:09 »

I tried the following script on the A2400 but resulted in a crash.
Any idea what works on this camera model to set the focus.
Code: [Select]

@title Focus Bracket Steps
@param d Near Focus (mm)
@default d 2500
@param e Far Focus (mm)
@default e 4500
@param f Step Increment (mm)
@default f 100

for x=d to e step f
print "Enabling AFL.."
sleep 1000
press "shoot_half"
sleep 1500
click "left"
release "shoot_half"
print "AFL Enabled"
print "Setting focus to", x
set_focus x
print "Shooting.."
sleep 1500
press "shoot_full"
sleep 500
release "shoot_full"
print "Done"
next x


The script runs till I do a shoot after which it crashes. Initially tried shoot instead of
Code: [Select]
press "shoot_full" and
Code: [Select]
release "shoot_full" but that too resulted in a crash..

Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #83 on: 07 / March / 2014, 09:33:59 »
With the current 1.2.0 release of CHDK,  the A2400 will crash if you try to set focus with AFL enabled.   This is the kind of thing we are trying to get fixed - with a little luck 1.3.0 will get updated this weekend to do this!

There are ways around this in 1.2.0 but you need to be using Lua rather than uBASIC.    The A2400 will focus if you do this first :
Code: [Select]
When the 1.3.0 release happens, you will just be able to use set_focus in uBASIC with no additional routines called.  Using set_aflock or the keyboard sequence you tried should work too but that needs to be tested.
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Offline AK

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Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #84 on: 25 / May / 2014, 13:10:26 »
Hi, I noticed that when I set the ISO override or the shutter speed or either one of the two to a required value my camera does not always shoot with the set value. It seems to go to auto mode.

One observation was if for example I set the ISO to 100 in a low light environment and do a half press of shutter and after the AF locks followed by a full press then the set ISO value is ignored and an automatic value is calculated. The same goes for shutter speed if only that is configured.

But if I set an ISO of 100 and press the shutter button all the way down with out waiting for the AF to lock then the configured shutter speed and ISO takes effect.

I am just trying to understand if I have missed out configuring any other setting? I have not done any major changes to the settings just the basic shutter speed set to Ev mode and ISO is manually set.
I am using the
CHDK 1.2.0
Rev: 3439
May 12, 2014
Camera model is A2400 100e

Any help would be appreciated... :)

Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #85 on: 25 / May / 2014, 16:40:43 »
Hi, I noticed that when I set the ISO override or the shutter speed or either one of the two to a required value my camera does not always shoot with the set value. It seems to go to auto mode.
Two things you could try.
1) if the camera is in auto mode, try putting into P mode ?
2) did you look at the actual image to see what the actual exposure used was?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline AK

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Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #86 on: 26 / May / 2014, 11:04:39 »
Thanks for the quick

I am using the camera in P mode.
I took two consecutive shots of the same scene, its pretty dim room.

1. With ISO set to 100 and Ev Step set to 1/40 I took a shot by pressing the shutter half way and let the AF lock followed by a full press to take the shot. I went to view the image and saw that the image details to be ISO 800 and shutter speed as 1/20
The image looked fairly bright as if I had taken it with auto mode.

2. With the same ISO set to 100 and Ev step set to 1/40 I took the shot this time pressing the shutter button all the way down without waiting for the AF to Lock and ended up checking the image details to show it had indeed taken a shot with the set ISO as 100 and shutter as 1/40. The image was pretty dark as expected.

I was initially confused too and double checked that I was using the camera in Auto or Program mode.
Also if it helps in any way I had tried the above test with the ISO set to auto, but the camera was still in Program mode.

Maybe I will try to set the ISO manually from the camera menu to some value. But I am not sure if thats the way I need to use CHDK ISO override. Please correct my understanding if Im wrong, irrespective of the Auto ISO I expect the CHDK setting to override it. But just to be clear I tried all the above with the camera in Program mode only.

Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #87 on: 26 / May / 2014, 11:49:27 »
As far as I can tell, you are doing everything correctly. I even repeated your sequence on my G10 to confirm it. Unless we are missing something else obvious, this suggests a problem with the A2400 port.  I'm away from my development machine this week so can't help much there.  Maybe nafraf can take a look?
« Last Edit: 26 / May / 2014, 11:58:35 by waterwingz »
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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #88 on: 26 / May / 2014, 14:40:59 »
The overrides are also not 100% reliable on my a3400 (same gen. as the a2400 and seems to have very similar capt_seq.c modifications). The deviations are not that big though (ISO100...200 when ISO override is set to 100), and they may or may not end up in exif...
Perhaps our usual modifications are less effective on new cameras...


Offline nafraf

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Re: A2400 porting thread
« Reply #89 on: 26 / May / 2014, 15:04:51 »
I made some tests with A810, following steps described by AK. Overrides worked and exif info was saved correctly.
Maybe problem is related to "IS". A2400 and A3400 are models with Image Stabilization, but A810 does not have it.


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