thanks guys, i now added an entry like this to stubs_min.S
DEF (movie_state,0x6115C)
and in platform.h
extern int movie_state;
this seems to does the trick. i renamed it from movie_get_state to movie_state, as i understand ewavr he also wants to write to that address. pausing the movie recording will sure be a nice feature. maybe we also have to find something like audio_rec_get_state so we can then pause that as well.
edit: my previous assumption on how to find out the address in movie_rec.c was wrong, i already fail at finding the address in the a460 movie_rec.c
0x91D54 ?
Just another functions order in the file.
hm, sometimes i should scroll down a little bit more
thanks! will add this value to all the stubs_min.S files, if i fail finding all of them i will let you know
is there an automated way of finding out, perhaps?
next question: what about cams that dont have movie_record_task (like a650)? if they dont have the variable declared in their stubs_min.S, what happens if i make the check like
if (!((movie_get_state > 1) && conf.save_raw_in_video ))
hm i will just test with my s3is