I'm not sure what you mean by "accesed from above"? If I go to the wiki page for scritping cross reference, scroll down (or search on the page) to set_console_autoredraw and then click on it, it takes me to the right point in the Script Command page.
Hmm, it's working now. I guess the Phantom of the CHDK Opera fixed it. Thanks!
Might be a good idea to modify set_console_autoredraw(-1) to actually remove the console window ?
Yes, that would work. It would be nice if it also disabled the bottom line with the script name too.
I tried set_console_layout(0,0,0,0) and that gave me the default console. With set_console_layout(0,0,45,0) the console doesn't appear, then the camera crashes. With a 2 line console, it occasionally shows the wrong lines. Maybe the whole console needs to be re-worked?
draw_string() does give you a lot more flexibility, but it's nice to have the option for a console too. I'm not sure if draw_string gets refreshed either, so it might disappear with the next shot.