Creating spytask() - page 2 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Creating spytask()

  • 16 Replies
Re: Creating spytask()
« Reply #10 on: 25 / March / 2013, 14:10:06 »
He will have to rerun with a new build that I have created the main.dump for.
I will edit the post to include the files so this post will not appear to be updated, just have to check occasionally.

Re: Creating spytask()
« Reply #11 on: 25 / March / 2013, 14:10:11 »
<stepped on my own post again ..  I think I said something about the USB remote code now being completely different in CHDK than in SDM >
« Last Edit: 25 / March / 2013, 22:10:01 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Creating spytask()
« Reply #12 on: 25 / March / 2013, 14:11:11 »
You could provide them with test builds (and keep main.dump), then ask for the romlogs.

Yes, I will do that.

Getting information from testers is like getting blood from a stone .. as they say.

Re: Creating spytask()
« Reply #13 on: 25 / March / 2013, 15:28:11 »
OK, the files in post above have been updated.


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Re: Creating spytask()
« Reply #14 on: 25 / March / 2013, 17:41:14 »
OK, the files in post above have been updated.
ReceiveMessageQueue (aka sub_FF02AFD0) near the beginning of CaptSeqTask has returned with an error. I still think that kernel memory is getting trashed somehow.
Next try ... CHDK ?

Re: Creating spytask()
« Reply #15 on: 25 / March / 2013, 22:08:01 »
Another S100 user has a strange problem that should also be tested with CHDK.  After booting, If he changes the ISO (not iso override) then uses the USB remote, the cameras power-down and the lens remains extended.
I found the post on the SDM web page you are referring to :
today I made test with dogs and water. I shot 103 pictures. Synch is good on 78
shots, bad  on 14 shots and 11 I can't decide, because there aren't moving
objects. It is good or bad?
Many times there was a problem. If I set ISO higher than 80 and try shot,
cameras switch off with lens out. Usualy both cameras together. Is there any
solution for this?

I also saw the subsequent follow-up and your request to be contacted directly.

What is not clear to me is whether this is related to USB remote.  An obvious question to ask your SDM users is if they get the same thing just pressing the shutter button on one camera?   Is this a problem related to using the USB remote after an ISO change or a more general problem shooting when the ISO is changed?
« Last Edit: 25 / March / 2013, 22:10:51 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Creating spytask()
« Reply #16 on: 26 / March / 2013, 08:55:29 »
Well, this is a strange one (and applies to some other cameras).
If I comment-out the call to iso override in capt_seq.c everything works just fine.
Changing the mode dial and shooting with the remote.

If I do not comment-out iso override and boot with camera in 'C' mode it will crash.
If camera started in 'P' mode everything OK, can switch to 'C' mode after some delay.
So, this was independent of taking a shot with the remote.

The iso override at present only consists of the following :-

Code: [Select]
void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) shooting_expo_iso_override(void)
 asm volatile ("STMFD SP!, {R0-R12,LR}\n");
 if (state_kbd_script_run && photo_param_put_off.sv96)
   shooting_set_sv96(photo_param_put_off.sv96, SET_NOW);
 asm volatile ("LDMFD SP!, {R0-R12,LR}\n");

No script should be running anyway.

Changing the code to this seems to fix the problem :-

Code: [Select]
void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) shooting_expo_iso_override(void)
 asm volatile ("STMFD SP!, {R0-R12,LR}\n");
 if ((state_kbd_script_run) && (photo_param_put_off.sv96)&& (get_tick_count()>10000))
   shooting_set_sv96(photo_param_put_off.sv96, SET_NOW);
 asm volatile ("LDMFD SP!, {R0-R12,LR}\n");

I have no idea why.

I should not .. but I am tempted to leave it at that.

For cameras that branch to iso override in capt_seq.c, is there anything else that I should be aware of ?

« Last Edit: 26 / March / 2013, 09:09:16 by Microfunguy »


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