Mr "waterwingz", thanks for your help! I got it to work.
I am writing the following to help other newcomers, and perhaps to encourage some fine person to edit the pages I now mention.
The problem was this: I did not set the "control mode" to NORMAL. Nor did I know that to use the shutter one (counterintuitively) needs to get out of CHDK mode.
On the instruction set at, there is a lot of information. The description of the remote and how to make one is very elementary. However, then the instructions take off and assumes too much knowledge of CHDK, in particular, that to actually program the remote shutter release capability one needs to adjust the Control mode.
Further, how exactly to use the remote shutter was very unclear to this newbie. On page the term "ALT key" is undefined. If one knew it was the "printer" key on my D780, one could certainly get to the menus. Assuming one knew how to set the "remote parameters", you also need to know that using the remote requires one to hit the ALT key again. Further, the lens system is off--nowhere does it say that one needs to hit the shutter release on the camera to get the lens system to open and actually take a picture.
For an expert who knows what Control mode is, the instructions are very clear. But for a newbie whose first foray into CHDK is to get a working remote, it assumes too much. I myself pieced together info from this site, your reply and two youtube videos.
While I am spouting from a newcomers perspective, on the setup page please mention that locking the disk when creating a bootable disk works because the CHDK overrides the lock and the images are (counterintuitively) stored on the "locked disk.
Perhaps someone can edit the above web pages. to make things a bit more obvious.
Thanks again,