Hi Folks,
I'm new to CHDK and have been having some trouble. I have a Powershot SD450. I got the files loaded onto the camera okay and was able to go through all the menus with no trouble initially.
While playing around with it, I selected an option to autostart a script on start-up. The script has the camera take 99 pictures at intervals of 3 seconds. That seems to work fine when I turn on the camera, but now I can't get back in to the CHDK menu. Fortunately I can stop the script from running by pressing the print/alt button. I thought if I then press 'alt' and 'menu' it would take me to the CHDK menu, but this does not work. It says 'no overrides' in the upper left corner if that helps any.
Anybody know why I can't get to the CHDK menu now?