Funny, with the web tester (FireFox win) i'm consistently getting 150-160ms, just as you, guys. And it is an ultra-compact IXUS here, so three quite different models have the same response. Incidentally, with jonnythe's proggy (in those rare instances when it ran properly on my Dell notebook) I was getting 100-120ms, which I then recorded on the "camera properties" page. Obviously, there's quite an error involved. Still, one can safely conclude that the response time is somewhere between 100 and 200ms.
As for the script, I find "MD LightningB.bas" most satisfying -- concise, right to the point. If I remember correctly, it was submitted in "motion detection too slow", someone by nick "anonymous". Well, the script is so succinct that I just quote it:
@title MD LightningB
@param a Columns
@default a 6
@param b Rows
@default b 4
@param c Threshold (0-255)
@default c 10
@param d Compare Interval (ms)
@default d 0
@param e Trigger Delay (0.1 s)
@default e 0
@param f Time-out Period (s)
@default f 3600
@param g Pix-Step(speed/accuracy adj)
@default g 6
@param h Measure Mode(1-Y 0-U 2-V)
@default h 1
@param i Direct Shoot (0=N 1=Y)
@default i 1
print " compare interval",d
print " trigger delay ",e
print " direct shoot ",i
while 1
press "shoot_half"
rem use 205 for DigiII
get_prop 206 p
until p=1
md_detect_motion a, b, h, f, d, c, 1, t, 0, 1, 1, a, b, i, g, e
if i=0 then click "shoot_full"
rem the next loop is endless if AE lock is activated, use 205 for DigiII
get_prop 206 p
until p<>1