Hello All!
To the point quickly-
Does anyone know what would be involved to use a pocket PC to run card tricks? Is there some version already available?
The situation-
I travel for months with my camera (and pocket pc!), and it would be good to perform low-level formats on the memory cards. The PC can easily re-load the required CHDK software, which is great, but it's that bootable part that seems elusive. Not sure what happens to make the SD card bootable, it doesn't take but an instant (so probably not much?), but that part seems to require a regular PC (so far).
Beyond the issue of needing access to a PC (which isn't too big of a deal in itself as many public pc's are usually available in developing countries), there is the issue of being able to load software (i.e. card tricks on public computers), and virus contamination is always a concern (particularly in developing countries). Fortunately, regular viruses don't seem to bother the PPC's (very different architecture), but who wants to risk the media that photos will reside?
Love the CHDK project, I've spread the word to all users that I know!
Rob G.
rgray1736 "at" hotmal "dot" com