I've looked in the dump and compared with 1.01b. The differences are only in textual strings:
> Comparing files 101A/PRIMARY.BIN and 101B/PRIMARY.BIN0000A56C: 20 32 - date of build
0000A56D: 36 30 - // - // - 0000A580: 32 30 - time of build
0000A581: 30 39 - // - // -
0000A583: 35 32 - // - // -
0000A584: 34 31 - // - // -
0000A586: 30 34 - // - // -
0000A587: 38 35 - // - // - 0000A5AC: 30 31 - 1.00 -> 1.01 (this is the fix for that this version was released
0000A5DB: 41 42 - A -> B00038626: 41 42 - A -> BSo, it fully compatible with CHDK for 1.01b.
(Today is lucky day. Three cameras: SD1000, SD750 and SD700 have 1.01a and 1.01b firmwares which are compatible.
For the particular model, of course.)