zSHARE - 390_51_allbest_phyrephox.zipHi,
been working on a few things lately, and as i didnt want to clutter the information in all of these threads, here's the sum of my work (you can find links to the original threads at the bottom, also you will find download links):
- you can now choose a color for the displaying of the overrides
-> better visibility (its "harder" to forget that the overrides are in effect now) (visualization menu)
- fast disabling of overrides (via menu entry & shortcut) now possible.
-> with this you can temporarily disable your overrides, for example when you quickly want to switch from hi-iso 65s outdoor to normal indoor mode. you can find the setting in the override menu. you can choose if you want autoiso & bracketing overrides disabled too. the shortcuts are:
on cams without erase button: halfpress shoot + LEFT
on g7 - halfpress + UP
all others - halfpress + DOWN
position of menu entry & shortcuts can and probably will be edited later (halfpress shortcuts were easier to implement

with fast disabling you even can disable the "clear overrides on startup" checkbox, for example when you always use the same override settings and want to be able to quickly switch between override and non-override sessions.
Option to hide OSD in playback mode
Can be found in the OSD menu. Disables items like Battery, clock & filespace to be shown in playback mode. if you find more items to be hidden - report please.
Auto-Disabling of RAW during video recording on cams like S3is
in raw menu you find a new entry " Disable @ video Rec" - if checked, during video recording you can now shoot pictures without stopping video.
Showing of remaining time in video recording
if enabled (in OSD menu) you can now see in the screen the (estimated) remaining time in video mode. it doesnt matter which video override settings you engage, the function calculates the amount of filespace being used per second. you can choose from 3 items to be displayed (in osd layout editor you can choose it's location)
- time only, in hh:mm:ss format
- kb/s - estimated "real" bitrate in kilobytes per second
- both
you can also supply a refresh time, if set to 1 second the numbers will "jump" quiete a bit during first minutes. of course this function isnt perfect, however it works amazingly accurate. mind you, the longer the video is running, the more accurate the function will be. also, it shows slighty more seconds than there will be possible to record, as my function doesnt know how much "extra data" the cam is writing to the avi when recording finishes. this might get optimized though.
there will first be shown a "calculating..." the first 10 seconds, that is to avoid crazy jumping of figures.
dev chat: thanks to ewavr, there now is a new variable "movie_state". you can both set and read the state of videorecording. If 0, video is stopped/not started, 1 means it is paused, whereas 4 means it is in full effect. 5 means that you already pressed the stop button and the cam is writing the extra data and stuff. i bet there will be more features using this variable soon, though probably not written by me

clear video params on start
during tests for the other features, i noticed that you cant automatically reset the video paramaters. well now you can have them automatically resetted on startup, if you choose to.
new command in ubasic: random (yay!)
you now can use the random function in scripts.
random a
@param h rand_min
@default h 5
@param i rand_max
@default i 7
random x
a = h + x%(i-h+1)
print "between "h "and "i ": "a
can be used for lots of stuff!
new command in ubasic: get_moviestate
you now can find out the status of recording.
get_moviestatus a
print "Moviestatus: "a
can be used for stuff like checks instead of sleep commands. if get_moviestate is 0 or 1, movie recording is stopped or paused. if get_moviestate is 4, recording is in progress. if it is 5, recording is stopped but camera is still writing movie to sdcard.
get_zoom_steps - returns the possible zoomsteps (9 on a620, 129 on s3is for example)
get_nd_present - returns 0 if no ND present, 1 if ND present and real diaphragm NOT present, 2 if both ND & diaphragm present.
get_propset - returns 1 if propset 1,2 if propset is 2. propset 1 = digic II propsets, propset 2 = digic III propsets (see
PropertyCase - CHDK Wiki )
an example script (not really functional, but shows how to use the commands):
rem Author: phyrephox
rem should work on all cameras?
@title test0r
print "-------------"
get_focus_mode a
print "get_focus_mode "a
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
get_drive_mode a
print "get_drive_mode "a
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
get_flash_mode c
print "get_flash_mode "c
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
get_ready d
print "get_ready "d
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
get_flash_ready e
print "get_flash_ready "e
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
get_IS_mode f
print "get_IS_mode "f
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
set_ev g
print "set_ev "
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
get_ev h
print "get_ev "h
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
get_orientation_sensor i
print "get_orientation_sensor "i
sleep 2000
print "-------------"
EXPERIMENTAL: Fast Ev switch. Now you can use the up/down buttons to quickly change Ev Compensation with a user-defined step-size.
you can find the setting in the photo overrides menu, at the bottom. also there is a new OSD item: Ev.
*SHOULD* work on all cameras (DRYOS too). PLEASE test! -
edit: disabled in recent builds.In future versions it may be possible to see Ev changes directly influence the Screen (on s3is or s5is just enable CANON histogram to see changes directly).
download link for all binaries (in one archive):
zSHARE - 390_51_allbest_phyrephox.zipzSHARE - r384_phyrephox.zip (
old, download counter: 18)
s3is build & diff (latest 390 trunk) attached as well
threads that made this possible (there i gathered the ideas or got suggestions or help from the devs):
new feature in ubasic - get_max_zoom, need users help
S3IS: Add shortcut for EV adjustments (Allbest build)Calculation of remaining time in video record modeQuestion for devs: How to find out if movie recording in progress?color of override in osd & osd in playback & fast disabling of overridesa few enhancements, bugfixes - donethanks to whim (the code of the remaining video feature was partly written by him), ewavr, grAnd and barney.

as always: ugly code. report bugs, suggestions etcetera here please.
regards, PhoX
ps: semester is starting soon, i should stop spending so much time on chdk... but it is so tempting, next project: DST

edit: updated diff to revision #372, attached download link to binary of/for s5is
edit: fixed small bug (clock seconds wasnt shown @ shutter halfpress), compiled #374, updated archive
edit: fixed bug with video params reset. updated to #375, updated archives & diff
edit: updated binaries again, now against #379. added build for a450, including my enhanced movie function. s5is doesnt have movie functions yet, as i cannot find the right address.
edit: updated binaries again, added two new features, see above. built against #384, also updated german.lng file (used the lng file found in
Canon / CHDK-Forum :: Thema anzeigen - Sprachdatei Deutsch - thanks! (updated with my additions)
edit: added 3 new ubasic commands, disabled fast ev switch, changed random seed.
diff attached (needs somefinetuning though, read
remaining video,overrides-customizations,no-raw@video,just _random_ stuff 
regarding errors.txt)
zSHARE - 390_51_allbest_phyrephox.zip