I've been working on an intevalometer script designed to run for months at a time. But that requires an external power source - either a really big battery and a switching power supply or a power source that draws from the electrical mains.
Quoteyou could also fire an input direct from a PIR module or microntroller without the need of a relay.Except each time the PIR triggers the camera will be turned on or off.
you could also fire an input direct from a PIR module or microntroller without the need of a relay.
If you use the extended delay that some PIR modules offer
If you can remove components without the aid of a stereo microscope or bench magnifier then they are relatively massive ! How did you remove the ball grid array devices ?You need an Antex 0.12mm tip diameter soldering tip.
I do have a proper hot-air gun, have never used it, maybe I should.I wonder how many of the removed components are functional, not that it matters ?
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