Help with Drivelapse Script - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Help with Drivelapse Script

  • 22 Replies
Help with Drivelapse Script
« on: 09 / May / 2013, 19:45:42 »
I am having a problem getting the drivelapse script to run on an SX210.  The script starts; takes 1 shot, then the screen goes blank and the camera appears dead with the lens still extended. Have to power down to reset.

Reading through the thread I see that others have had the same problem. Is there a known fix?


Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #1 on: 09 / May / 2013, 19:50:15 »
I am having a problem getting the drivelapse script to run on an SX210. 
This one?

The script starts; takes 1 shot, then the screen goes blank and the camera appears dead with the lens still extended. Have to power down to reset.
Sounds like the camera is crashing.  The next step it get a ROM crash log from the "Debug" menu and post it here so that we can start to figure out why.

Reading through the thread I see that others have had the same problem. Is there a known fix?
What thread?  Link please.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #2 on: 09 / May / 2013, 19:57:54 »
Opps;  the script that is not working is the carlapse.lua,  drivelapse works fine. Sorry for mixup.

It was reading through the carlapse thread were I saw others were having the same problem.

So I just found out about CHDK and decided to try it out.  I have a SD600 with firmware 1.00A.  When I run this script here is what I get:

SLeeping 2 seconds
sleeping 1 seconds
(it takes a picture and then it turns off with the lens still out and thats it)

Any suggestions on what I should do?

Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #3 on: 09 / May / 2013, 20:02:26 »
Opps;  the script that is not working is the carlapse.lua,  drivelapse works fine. Sorry for mixup.
It was reading through the carlapse thread were I saw others were having the same problem.
Link to the actual script you tried then, please?

So I just found out about CHDK and decided to try it out.  I have a SD600 with firmware 1.00A.  When I run this script here is what I get:

SLeeping 2 seconds
sleeping 1 seconds
(it takes a picture and then it turns off with the lens still out and thats it)

Any suggestions on what I should do?
Again, please provide a link to where you got this.

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #4 on: 09 / May / 2013, 20:08:14 »

Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #5 on: 09 / May / 2013, 20:16:32 »
Here is the link
Sigh.   There are multiple scripts posted in that thread.  Which exact one did you try?  Right click on the subject line of the actual post you copied the script from and please post that link address here.

Also,  the ROM crash log I mentioned in my first response would be handy.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #6 on: 09 / May / 2013, 20:24:00 »
As you can tell I am a NOOB and still learning my way.

Below is script that I downloaded (sorry I don't know how to link to it). I would be happy to post the ROM log but will need some further instruction on how to do that. Thx

Re: CarLapse - LUA Script for timelapse out of a driving car
« Reply #5 on: 20 / November / 2008, 23:01:10 »
Hello again,

I've improved the script a bit further. In CarLapseV4 I introduced the possibility to PAUSE and RESUME the shooting by button-presses. That's a nice feature when you are waiting at red traffic lights or get into a traffic jam. CarLapseV5 now uses "Motion Detection" to automatically realize if you are in movement with your car or not... If you are not (e.g. when you are waiting at traffic lights) it will PAUSE and RESUME shooting instantly when you start driving again. :-)

Here's the script :-)

Code: [Select]

Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #7 on: 09 / May / 2013, 20:36:50 »
Below is script that I downloaded (sorry I don't know how to link to it). I would be happy to post the ROM log but will need some further instruction on how to do that. Thx
Got it now.   The script looks clean - no camera specific stuff or anything nasty.

So that means its possible the port for your camera does not like something that works on other cameras.  A ROM dump would help us find what.

If you go to the CHDK menus and navigate to the Debug Parameters menu,  there is an option that says "Save ROM crash log".  If you scroll down to that and press the "Set" button,  you will get a message that says "ROM crash log saved to ROMLOG.LOG".   If you then put the SD card into a card reader on your PC,  you will find a file called ROMLOG.LOG in the root directory of your SD card.   Post that file here (using the "Attachments and other options" link at the bottom of window you are using) to post here.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #8 on: 09 / May / 2013, 20:55:13 »
Got it; here is the Romlog

Re: Help with Drivelapse Script
« Reply #9 on: 09 / May / 2013, 21:24:04 »
Got it; here is the Romlog
That's better!

Looks like its having problems with letting the script focus the camera.  Unfortunately,  this can be a weak spot with CHDK scripts.   I'll take a more detailed look when I have a bit of time.  In the meantime, somebody else will likely post a more specific solution.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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