CHDK for G9? - Long exposure | 5 shots Braketing | Full size intervalometer - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

CHDK for G9? - Long exposure | 5 shots Braketing | Full size intervalometer

  • 7 Replies
PowerShot G9 buyed in France
here is a screenshot of the  SET+DISPLAY button :

CHDK for G9? - Long exposure | 5 shots Braketing | Full size intervalometer


OK I'm a total newb, on this one

I just purchased my Powershot G9 (had and still have a PowerShot G3 with Its godsend oriantable LCD)

I was a bit lost learning the G9, from long habit on G3

I started to make some Nitghly Photshoot.
That's probably why I got frustrated not having more than 15 sec in exposure and no more Full size intervalometer,

+ finding some limitation when shooting in aperture Priority (On very low light, It display and shoot @ 1", no more, grr)

That's why popped up in my memory , the hack for EOS 350 an 400D where hackers unlocked some D20/D30/D40 features

Searched for Powershot G9 similar firmware hack an found this crazy place :P

Long story short (already commited the long post)

Is there any chance to get a hacked firmware for the PowerShot G9 ?
(even only with the feature addition of long exposure would make my day/year).

If the GoldenFinger Hackers need something in order to start
I have only the PowerShotG9, a Mac (+ Virtual PC, sorry no MacIntel)
If there is anyway to dump the original G9 firmware without the Led thing I would do It and share It

I tried my best in searching the CHDK for G9, but nothing came up so
My apologies if I missed the already existing CHDK for G9
« Last Edit: 06 / December / 2007, 00:42:11 by badmoon »


Offline GrAnd

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It's a quite big chance that G9 is based on the new OS (DryOS) also. It makes the porting much more difficult (no DryOS camera is ported yet). And of course without having the dump it's impossible.
CHDK Developer.

Is there any Way I can Dump My G9 firmware?

I know I can be repetitive...  :haha

If explained in steps, I can follow a process to do so.

« Last Edit: 06 / December / 2007, 10:14:38 by badmoon »



I would like to start working on the G9 port as well. 

As my name suggests I am a Linux power user.  I have degrees in CS and EE.  I've done a lot of microcontroller work over the years.

I just ordered my G9 today.  I am also getting a 40D.

Let the fun begin !

I would like to start working on the G9 port as well. 

As my name suggests I am a Linux power user.  I have degrees in CS and EE.  I've done a lot of microcontroller work over the years.

I just ordered my G9 today.  I am also getting a 40D.

Let the fun begin !
I've no idea what can be CS or EE, but I'm Happy to hear someone is polishing Its blade to sculpt the CHDK for G9... :D

Here is another G9 owner that needs interval feature!

I got this camera thinking that it's interval mode would be useful for my needs, but it turns out it's just 640x480 and dumps the footage in a mjpeg avi file ... sigh

If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.
I really need a proper interval feature on my G9, and unless I find some way of getting this I'm gonna have to modify my spanking new G9 so I can connect my tc-80n3 timer remote control to it.

(2008 01 09) G9 Firmware dumped!

an idea of the time remaining for a G9 solution?


Irios, any chance you are using th G9 with Radio control?  There are USB shutter/zoom triggers available. I'm beta-testing one called the Camremote. Does Av,Tv,Auto,Manual and a bunch more stuff including open/shut the lens.  The Camremote can also be triggered by switch closures and IR porting is also supported.
Al  Maine Aerial Photogrpahy.   Sanford, Maine. USA.


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