Button mappings/definitions for A4000 IS ? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Button mappings/definitions for A4000 IS ?

  • 2 Replies
Button mappings/definitions for A4000 IS ?
« on: 13 / May / 2013, 22:30:36 »
It gets confusing when I read in the documentation, for example, that the DISP button does some function and the DOWN button does something different - when on this camera, they are the same button. This becomes extra confusing (for me :) ) when interpreting the shortcuts popup menu.   Also I have an extra button - a HELP button, which I found I caould use by changing a setting in the software so it now switches on ALT mode.

So I was wondering if there is a list somewhere of what the buttons on my A4000 do under CHDK, or maybe a mapping to what the documentation refers to.

Re: Button mappings/definitions for A4000 IS ?
« Reply #1 on: 13 / May / 2013, 23:47:27 »
So I was wondering if there is a list somewhere of what the buttons on my A4000 do under CHDK, or maybe a mapping to what the documentation refers to.
According to the notes.txt file in the source code repository,  the A4000 port was done "blind".  Which means the kind person who did the port did not have access to the camera.   So any "optimizations" were unlikely and any operational issues would not have been detected.

I took a look at the source code for your camera's keyboard and its pretty generic. 
Code: [Select]
static KeyMap keymap[] = {
    { 0, KEY_ZOOM_IN         ,0x00002000 }, // Found @0xffb0f590, levent 0x02
    { 0, KEY_ZOOM_OUT        ,0x00001000 }, // Found @0xffb0f588, levent 0x03
    { 1, KEY_PRINT           ,0x80000000 }, // KEY Playback for ALT menu
    { 1, KEY_PLAYBACK        ,0x80000000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5f0, levent 0x101
    { 1, KEY_SHOOT_FULL      ,0x00300000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5a0, levent 0x01
    { 1, KEY_SHOOT_FULL_ONLY ,0x00200000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5a0, levent 0x01
    { 1, KEY_SHOOT_HALF      ,0x00100000 }, // Found @0xffb0f598, levent 0x00
    { 1, KEY_SET             ,0x08000000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5d0, levent 0x08
    { 1, KEY_MENU            ,0x04000000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5c8, levent 0x09
    { 1, KEY_LEFT            ,0x02000000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5c0, levent 0x06
    { 1, KEY_RIGHT           ,0x01000000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5b8, levent 0x07
    { 1, KEY_DOWN            ,0x00800000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5b0, levent 0x05
    { 1, KEY_UP              ,0x00400000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5a8, levent 0x04
    { 1, KEY_HELP            ,0x20000000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5e0, levent 0x14
    { 1, KEY_VIDEO           ,0x10000000 }, // Found @0xffb0f5d8, levent 0x1a
    { 0, 0, 0 }

All nine buttons on the back of your camera are here - in addition to the shutter half press / full press and zoom in / zoom out buttons.  They correspond to the documentation in CHDK pretty well - the HELP button is the only one that's kind of unusual.
« Last Edit: 14 / May / 2013, 00:10:27 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Button mappings/definitions for A4000 IS ?
« Reply #2 on: 14 / May / 2013, 01:23:00 »
The help button is the only new one yes, but that doesn't explain when the documentation refers to a DISP button - separately from a DOWN button.  As you can see in the photo, they are the same button.  Also there is no PRINT button.

Anyway, many thanks to however ported it.  I am really enjoying getting it to work for me - and most things DO seem to work rather well.
« Last Edit: 14 / May / 2013, 01:24:37 by elixir »


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