Doesn't that lock you into always handling the script the same way?
Well, I'm always a big fan of leaving flexibility in a UI. But from my perpective, I can only really see two things I would want to do from the user menu with a script. The first is to select what script runs when next I press the shutter button in <ALT> mode. And the other is to run a script immediately. The former lets me quickly pick the script I want to use as soon as I power the camera in a shooting situation. The later lets me run scripts I've written to setup the camera's state - the equivalent of the C1 & C2 setting on the more advance G series cameras.
I was thinking of a method where you could choose at the time you 'selected' the script from the user menu.
I guess this will come down to user preference. I realize its a bit ironic as I've made it clear I'm not a big fan of the CHDK key shortcuts ( as my patch to allow users to disable them shows). But being able to have the user menu launch "On Direct" when entering <ALT> mode lets me really quickly change the setup things related to what I'm working on. While this is really handy debugging CHDK C code mods (and there are currently only 6 or 7 of us active in that area) its also nice for working with scripts and even more handy once you understand it with setting things up for the day-to-day shooting needs you might have that take a "long time" to navigate in the CHDK menus (see my post from yesterday).
So I guess I'm voting for "one click" mode and hoping that does not violate the Amazon patent. From the user menu, I want things to happens when I click on the right away. More menus / popups to navigate defeats the purpose. KISS.
But as always, that's just one man's opinion.