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S5IS - Ported!

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Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #30 on: 09 / April / 2008, 00:13:19 »
the white rectangle is the space-icon, telling you how much space on sdcard is left. you can modify its behaviour in osd menu. native histogram will always float above chdk, nothing we can do about it, happens at s3is as well.

Thanks for the Porting S5is
« Reply #31 on: 09 / April / 2008, 01:36:35 »
Ohhhhhhh boy, you just saved me a lot of money, I was gonna buy a Canon XSI, cuz I didn't think that is was possible to Port the S5is, but you proved a lot a people wrong, & I thank you ssssssssssssssoooooooooo much for spending countless hours on Porting the S5is. Maybe now you can catch up on your sleep. Did you improve on the continous shooting of FPS???? & what other goodies did you do?????? Again thanks to all of you that had a part in making this possible.

« Last Edit: 09 / April / 2008, 01:42:19 by jaydee »


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Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #32 on: 09 / April / 2008, 04:18:23 »
Dataghost, I didn't have a chance to thank you for so much details in reply. Thanks for all that informations, as soon as I catch some time, I'll try to do something.
And thanks for porting CHDK, again :) Still, I'll have to wait for someone to port 1.01A version, but with all that work you did, we shouldn't wait long.


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Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #33 on: 09 / April / 2008, 04:28:22 »
Hey DataGhost, your build 51 is working pretty well on my S5IS. I have encountered a couple of interesting issues, though:

As you noted above, [Shoot] to run a script freezes the camera, and then it crashes. (Haven't tried toggling the flash up and down yet.)
Uhh, I thought I fixed that. Did you immediately download it after I initially released it? Does it still crash with the current download and if yes, what exact settings/script did you use?

There's a white rectangle poking up into the bottom of my screen during record mode. It stretches from the left edge to the middle, but it's only a few pixels high, maybe 10. Any idea what it is?
If you don't know the purpose of some OSD element, go into the OSD layout editor and navigate to it with the SET-button. You'll then see it's name.

I can't start in record mode, even if I flip the [On] lever that direction to turn on the camera. It always starts in Playback mode instead. Repeating the [On-Record] push gets me into Record mode, though.
Yes you can, hold the lever until you feel/hear the lens extend. It's probably something I can fix, though, I didn't really care about it anymore. I started my camera about a thousand times with that hold-until-done method so it became a habit :)

I did experience at least one other crash, can't remember where. Is there any way for me to capture debugging info, or is it too late by the time the crash happens? :-P
Well, I don't really know a lot in 'final' CHDK that can aid in debugging (in normal shooting modes), so you'll just have to supply me with as much information as you can to reproduce it.. what settings were you using, what key(s) did you press, in what order, etc.

@jaydee: You'll still want another camera if you're thinking about concert photography or other low-light conditions where flash is not allowed, because the S5 noise over ISO200 isn't really acceptable anymore. I did manage to take some decent pictures at 1/13 F2.7 ISO200, but for that purpose I'd much rather have an EOS which can do ISO3200 with about as much noise as the S5 on ISO400. The S5 is quite a good camera for everything else, though :) Especially in value for money, I effectively have a 648mm IS lens, something like that for an EOS would cost several times the S5 and then you still need a camera body.
I didn't really port anything besides 'basic CHDK functionality'. I'm currently looking into other S5 addons/features, but they require a good deal of RE, thinking and time.

Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #34 on: 09 / April / 2008, 07:28:15 »
Can you tell me what the  basic CHDK functionality are, that you did port?????


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Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #35 on: 09 / April / 2008, 07:55:03 »
Uhh... Tv overrides, Av overrides, focus overrides, ISO overrides (though not really), unlimited bracketing, remote trigger, scripts, OSD, battery meter(! canon's battery meter sucks, so it's pretty useful), RGB histo, zebra, RAW, etc. Actually everything you can find on the wiki, FAQ or whereever that information is. I think it's all in the 'firmware usage' page, as well.

Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #36 on: 09 / April / 2008, 10:02:49 »
I have tried adding the s5is to SDM.

Previously, I have not altered my existing code to use the 'new'   'signatures_$(PLATFORMOS).h' in \sub\Makefile so in Tools I have 'signatures.h'.
For the s5is, I have used 'signatures_$(PLATFORMOS).h' and PLATFORMOS is defined in makefile.inc.
Tools also contains 'signatures_dryos.h' and 'signatures_vxworks.h'.

When I compile, I get 'multiple definitions of ' various functions in 'stubs_auto.s' and 'stubs_entry_2.s'.

I have informed DataGhost  about  this.

Anyone know what the problem is ?



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Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #37 on: 09 / April / 2008, 10:26:11 »
It will probably work if you copy platform/s5is/sub/101b to platform/s5is/sub/101a, copy the 1.01b ASM code parts from the
Maybe I'll do it if nobody starts this within a short time, but I'd rather concentrate on further RE of the 1.01b firmware and getting a better understanding of how things work.

If you could point me to some more documentation on how to do this, I could try. However, the firmware dumps on wiki (S5IS - CHDK Wiki) seem to have disappeared.

Thanks so much for working on this!


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Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #38 on: 09 / April / 2008, 10:32:57 »
Look for firmware dumps here - [DOWNLOAD LINKS] Firmware dumps available
CHDK Developer.

Re: S5IS 1.01b - Ported!
« Reply #39 on: 09 / April / 2008, 10:55:20 »
Maybe I'll do it if nobody starts this within a short time

Thanks, dear DataGhost, for your work. I'm very glad to see that it's already possible to tweak S5 IS with 1.01B, I was waiting for that almost about a year since I bought the camera. But unfortunately I have 1.01A, as some people here, so I'm really waiting now for the port for this firmware... It would be nice to have chdk features on my camera too...

So thank you very-very-very much again for your work, for your time, it's just invaluable for us!

Patiently waiting for the 1.01A port...
-= J-Pro =-


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