I was completely not sure where to place this thread... Forgive me in advance:)
I have a problem with s2is script params. I am totally new to this cam, however when I have placed a few scripts on the SD cards I can not access params settings. I can see menu like this:
Load script from file...
Script Shoot Delay
Restart Lua on Error
Load default param values
Parameters set
Save params
-----------AUTOESP 3.0 (←the name of the example script)----------
and nothing more. I can't scroll down, after the last line (Save params) the next highlishted entry is back Load Script from file...
Forgive me if I am missing something. All scripts I have tried have @param lines and AFAIK they were working on sx130 (which I can't test now - the cam is 1000+ km from here for 3 months). On s2is the params sttings are completely lost...
s2is, firmware 1.00i
CHDK 1.2.0-2785 100g (downloaded as 1.00i)