I've seen many references to an "ultimate" intervalometer CHDK script but after patient searching here on the forum, on the wikia, and via google, I have yet to find such a script. I think it's a typo for the simplistic "Ultra Intervalometer" script. So I'd like to release somethings I've been using - something that encompasses everything I've wanted in an intervalometer - as the "Ultimate Intervalometer" script.
There are several really good special purpose intervalometer scripts available today. In addition, there are a wheelbarrow full of scripts that simply take a shot on a defined interval. The most recent example of a great dedicated intervalometer is
lapser's excellent fast
shooting scripts for sunsets (and anything else you want in slow-mo rather than a time-lapse).
The Ultimate Intervalometer is another special purpose script - one for shooting sessions that could stretch over months. It deals with midnight roll-over and with periodically rebooting the camera to reset the tic timer and anything else that was not designed to run for weeks or months (never mind more than a the few minutes people normally uses their camera for).
It provides all the known methods of
blanking the display / power savings . In addition, it can be configured to periodically blink one of the camera's LED's just so you know the script is still running.
There is a wiki page :
Ultimate Intervalometer that describes how to use the script. I won't repeat it all here. But the major features are :
- Start shooting each day on any combination of a fixed time, dawn, or brightness.
- Stop shooting each day when all combinations of a fixed time, dusk, and brightness are satisfied.
- Day of week schedule to select on which days shooting will occur ( All, Mon-Fri, Sat-Sun )
- Periodic automated restarts of the camera to reset internal timer and assist with long term stability.
- Optional exposure bracketing (HDR)
- Support for all known power savings techniques ( backlight off. display off, sleep mode, playback mode) if supported by the camera model.
- Interval shooting in sync to the time of day (e.g. 60 minute intervals always occur at the top of the hour, 30 minute intervals a the top and bottom of the hour, etc.)
- Sets the zoom lens to a user define position (reset zoom to that position after periodic script intitiated restarts)
- Optional LED slow blink to let you know the script is still running when the display is off.
- Detailed logging of operation to SD card (optional).
I've posted the latest version of the script here : ultimate.luaRecent Changes :Updated : June 8 2013 to v1.7 - added disable of flash, image stabilization, focus assist lamp
Updated : Sept 5 2013 to v1.8 - fixed typo in Day of Week code
Updated : Dec 15 2013 to v1.9 - added low battery voltage detection and shutdown
Updated : Dec 28 2013 to v1.10 - set_lcd_display() and support for inverted start & stop times
Updated : April 4 2014 to v2.0 - themes and the ability to pause for download via PTP
Updated : Dec 22 2014 to v2.3 - increased valid range of reset intervals to 365 days.
Updated : April 25 2015 to v2.5 - fixed Playback power save and with script not shooting at midnight
Updated : May 15 2015 to v3.0 - general cleanups including focus at infinity, log file open timeouts & exposure bracketing.
Updated : Oct 31 2015 to v3.2 - adds optional shutdown after user specified # of days and SD card full shutdown.
Updated : Nov 1 2015 to v3.3 - fixed bug in log formatting
Updated : Nov 22 2015 to v3.4 - fixed bugs is PLAYBACK and SHORTCUT display off modes
Updated : Dec 05 2015 to v4.1 - CHDK 1.4.0 version with enhanced HDR/bracketing
Updated : May 01 2016 to v4.2 - added user disable of scheduled day/night plus bugs fixes
Updated : May 14 2016 to v4.3 - writes user setup selections to log file
Updated : Jul 22 2016 to v4.4 - allows deletion of oldest images from current run when SD card is full
Updated : Jun 21 2017 to v4.5 - changed HDR mode to use set_tv96_direct, set_av96_direct and bypass the CHDK range checks
Updated : Nov 26 2017 to v4.7- added option to trigger shots via a CHDK USB remote compatible device. Plus a few minor bug fixes.
Updated : Apr 7 2018 to v4.8- fixed crashing on some cameras when LCD disabled in PLAYBACK mode
Updated : Nov 1 2020 to v4.9 - IS fixes from srsa_4c
Updated : May 8 2021 to v4.10 - recent camera display resolution detect fixup from srsa_4c
FAIR WARNING : CHDK is a hack and there has been very little testing of sustained long term operation. And there is no guarantee that Canon firmware will work over an extended period of being powered up. The periodic rebooting of the camera via this script is not guaranteed to work every time.
Also voltages read by the camera are not necessarily accurate. Do not trust the script's low-voltage cutoff to protect lithium polymer batteries from discharging below 3V per cell for example.