Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v4.9 - page 25 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v4.9

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #240 on: 21 / September / 2014, 05:17:36 »
@waterwingz, the fix works great, thank you!

Yesterday I left the camera to timelapse every 5 min, with start at dawn, end at dusk both disabled, and I enabled the ending time at 9pm (local time) and starting time at 6am. The timelapse stopped taking pictures at 9pm as intended, the status led continued to blink (mode 0, status led above the playback button on the s100) and it continued to blink for a while. But, when I woke up at 4am the camera was powered off (no led blinking, lens retracted). I didn't touch it, hoping that maybe it would power itself on at 6am, but at 9am it was still off. I pressed the on button and it powered on and started taking pictures every 5min.
What am I doing wrong?
I've tried to search the forums, but I haven't found the answer yet.

Btw, I'm using an external battery of 84Watt-hour (7.2A SLA 12V battery with a dc-dc converter running dc out at 4.2V), so the camera always had power.

Also, is there any way to dowload photos with the usb cable without stopping the timelapse?
I was thinking of leaving a usb cable always connected to the camera, so I don't have to move the camera every time I need to download the photos on a laptop.

Edit: log info
It seems that at rebooting it simply switches off the camera. Tonight was the second time this has happened to me (I have cut the repetitive shot/no shot portions):
Code: [Select]
Sat Sep 20 20:08:55 2014; === Started: 20:08 ===
Sat Sep 20 20:08:55 2014; CHDK 1.2.0 s100 102a Jun 21 2014
Sat Sep 20 20:08:55 2014; CHDK version 120 okay
Sat Sep 20 20:08:59 2014; starting a new day
Sat Sep 20 20:08:59 2014; start time : 06:00 stop time : 21:00
Sat Sep 20 20:09:59 2014; set LCD off
Sat Sep 20 20:10:03 2014; Shot; 1; tv:1.0; t14; a200; s507; b-43; V4074; T32


Sat Sep 20 21:00:03 2014; Shot; 11; tv:1.0; t14; a200; s507; b-43; V4040; T34
Sat Sep 20 21:00:14 2014; switching to night mode
Sat Sep 20 21:05:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1.0; t14; a200; s507; b-43; V4021; T34
Sat Sep 20 21:10:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1.0; t14; a200; s507; b-43; V4055; T34


Sat Sep 20 23:55:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1.0; t14; a200; s507; b-43; V4059; T34
Sun Sep 21 00:00:00 2014; starting a new day
Sun Sep 21 00:00:00 2014; start time : 06:00 stop time : 21:00
Sun Sep 21 00:05:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1.0; t14; a200; s507; b-43; V4055; T34


Sun Sep 21 01:00:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1.0; t14; a200; s507; b-43; V4059; T33
Sun Sep 21 01:00:01 2014; set LCD on
Sun Sep 21 01:00:01 2014; switching to playback mode
Sun Sep 21 01:00:03 2014; === Scheduled reboot === : lens retraction wait
Sun Sep 21 01:01:14 2014; rebooting now
« Last Edit: 21 / September / 2014, 06:38:34 by WildLion »

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #241 on: 21 / September / 2014, 09:21:51 »
I pressed the on button and it powered on and started taking pictures every 5min.
What am I doing wrong?
When the scheduled restart interval elapses, the script puts the camera into playback mode,  waits 70 seconds to give the lens a chance to retract, set the script to autostart, and then issues a reboot() command.  It sounds like your S100 does not want to come back from the reboot automatically,  but when you started the camera with the On button, the script autostart function worked properly.

If you search the forum for "reboot" there are many references about issues using that function - usually in conjunction with the script autostart function of course.  Here's one of the better ones for the Ultimate Intervalometer, which may be the only script in popular use that uses that function.


The most common "fix" is to use CHDK 1.3.0 (the dev version) rather than 1.2.0.    According to your log file, you are using 1.2.0 so I'd suggest upgrading to 1.3.0.   Despite the name, it's very stable and is in fact, about to become the stable version.

If that doesn't work, it's time to go digging back through the S100 porting code I guess.

« Last Edit: 21 / September / 2014, 09:24:39 by waterwingz »
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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #242 on: 21 / September / 2014, 22:44:54 »
So for the S100  (and six other cameras)  using a script to press the DISP button actually presses the VIDEO button.
Maybe this helps. There is an UI Property related to DISPLAY_MODE. Test on A810:
Code: [Select]
con 18> =call_event_proc("PTM_SetCurrentItem",0x8065, 0)
con 19> =return get_prop(require('propcase').DISPLAY_MODE)
con 20> =call_event_proc("PTM_SetCurrentItem",0x8065, 1)
con 21> =return get_prop(require('propcase').DISPLAY_MODE)

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #243 on: 22 / September / 2014, 17:42:32 »
So for the S100  (and six other cameras)  using a script to press the DISP button actually presses the VIDEO button.
Maybe this helps. There is an UI Property related to DISPLAY_MODE. Test on A810:
Code: [Select]
con 18> =call_event_proc("PTM_SetCurrentItem",0x8065, 0)
con 19> =return get_prop(require('propcase').DISPLAY_MODE)
con 20> =call_event_proc("PTM_SetCurrentItem",0x8065, 1)
con 21> =return get_prop(require('propcase').DISPLAY_MODE)
Pressing the display mode was just a way to get the screen to refresh.  I deleted that code and the screen seems to refresh just fine without it..
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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #244 on: 03 / October / 2014, 18:42:03 »
Waterwingz, I had gone quiet since the last release you made up after my feedback, and now i have had two cameras running in a remote location with the software. In summary my feedback is as follows:

Camera 1 (a2500) crashed the first day. The power to the camera did not fail, but similar to Wildlion, the lens retracted (during daylight normal operation) and the camera went into a kind of pause mode and did not restart at dawn, but the led on the camera was on. I pressed the DISP and MENU button and nothing happened. I had to restart the camera and it booted up and started recording again.

Camera 2 (a2400) recorded no problem for almost three weeks (the log showed perfect performance the last time i saw it). I just looked at the cameras yesterday from ground level and saw both lenses retracted again during daylight operation mode. So i suspect Camera 2 has the same problem as Camera 1.

Its clear its not a power related problem as the both lenses are retracted.

Next week once i have a ladder i'll get the SD cards out the camera and download the logs. I'll let you know, but if you have any mods or ideas, let me know and at the same time i'll update the software and let them rerun for a week.

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #245 on: 03 / October / 2014, 18:51:13 »
Next week once i have a ladder i'll get the SD cards out the camera and download the logs. I'll let you know, but if you have any mods or ideas, let me know and at the same time i'll update the software and let them rerun for a week.
It will be really good to know if they are crashing while running or failing to restart properly.  The logs should tell us that. 
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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #246 on: 03 / October / 2014, 19:00:08 »
It will be really good to know if they are crashing while running or failing to restart properly.  The logs should tell us that.

I did see a ROMLOG.txt file on the SD card of the camera that operated ok (and was still operating ok when i downloaded the file), but the date dosent correspond to anything. However, i never saw this before which may shed some light on things.

Code: [Select]
HARDWARE DEFECT!!  ShutdownReason[9] ErrorNo[18]
Occured Time  1980:01:01 00:00:07
00000040: *** Camera Log Start ***
00000080: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5001:adr:0,Para:0
00000210: UI:Button:0x00001009:UnpressPowerButton
00000320: M:SH_OPN_S
00000330: M:SH_OPN_E
00000330: M:ZM_RST_S
00000330: M:ZM_UNFIN_S
00000390: M:IS_RST_S
00000490: M:IS_RST_E
00000490: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5004:adr:0,Para:0
00000490: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1165:adr:0,Para:0
00000490: UI:_SImage
00000490: UI:SetPanelBrightnessToLcdController
00000490: UI:SetDisplayType
00000490: SS:DispChg
00000550: M:ZM_RST
00000590: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5006:adr:0,Para:0
00000590: UI:TurnOnDisplayForStartup
00000590: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5007:adr:0,Para:0
00000590: UI:AC:PTM_Init
00000600: SS:InitPTM
00000600: SS:
00000600: SS:
00000600: SS:ImgSys
00000600: UI:RegPTM
00000600: UI:LogicalEvent:0x3010:adr:0,Para:0
00000610: SS:InitPTM
00000610: SS:
00000610: SS:
00000660: SS:S-Imag
00000660: UI:VideoDrv_InitializeUiEDmacLib
00000660: UI:Initialized WindowSystem.
00000660: UI:ScreenLock
00000660: UI:ScreenUnLock
00000670: UI:LogicalEvent:0x300a:adr:0,Para:0
00000670: UI:DispSwCon_TurnOnBackLight
00000670: UI:TurnOnBackLight
00000670: UI:ScreenLock
00000670: UI:Reduce ScreenUnLock
00000690: UI:AC:ShwCaptI
00000690: UI:DSIC:53,0
00000700: UI:ScreenLock
00000700: UI:DSIC:49,1
00000700: UI:Display_CaptInfo
00000710: UI:DSIC:d4,0
00000720: UI:AC:DispSht
00000720: UI:DSIC:8c,0
00000730: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00000900: UI:MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00000900: UI:LogicalEvent:0x3138:adr:0,Para:0
00001390: M:LensError.c 0x00200000
00001390: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1168:adr:0,Para:0
00001390: M:LensError.c 0x20000000
00001390: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x2003:adr:0x2ee21c,Para:3072540
00001390: UI:DSIC:54,0
00001390: UI:ScreenUnLock
00001390: UI:HwErrPreShtDwn
00001390: UI:EmergencyMuteOn
00001500: SS:StopLens
00001500: M:LensError.c 0x20000000
00001500: SS:StrLens
00001500: M:TERM_S
00001500: M:SH_CLS_S
00001510: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00001510: M:SH_CLS_E
00001510: M:ND_OFF_S
00001520: M:ND_OFF_E
00001520: M:ZM_TRM_S
00001520: M:ZM_TRM_E
00001790: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x2004:adr:0x8,Para:8
00001790: M:TERM_E
00001790: UI:HwErrShtDwn
00001790: UI:VALDispErr
00001790: UI:TurnOnDisplay
00001790: UI:TurnOnBackLight
00001790: UI:ScreenLock
00001800: UI:Window_EmergencyRefresh
00001800: UI:Window_EmergencyRefreshPhysicalScreen
00001800: UI:Window Reduce MuteOff
00001800: UI:DispSwCon_MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00001800: UI:Window Reduce MuteOff
00001800: UI:EmergencyShutDownDisplay

I'll get the logs next week when i visit the area again. Ill stay overnight to post some information here in the forum. If i manage to get any feedback or advise from you before i leave, i can make some changes and see how it goes. You did mention CHDK 1.3.0 may improve things. Should i update the firmware on both cameras as a first step?

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #247 on: 03 / October / 2014, 19:04:25 »
I did see a ROMLOG.txt file on the SD card of the camera that operated ok (and was still operating ok when i downloaded the file), but the date dosent correspond to anything. However, i never saw this before which may shed some light on things.
AFAIK,  those ROMLOG files are only supposed to be generated if you go into the CHDK Debug menu and request one.  Strange that you would just find one on your camera's SD card.

Should i update the firmware on both cameras as a first step?
To be candid,  I don't remember if there are any improvements in 1.3.0 that would affect this.  But 1.3.0 is very stable and has a lot of good updates so my advice would be to switch to that.
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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #248 on: 14 / October / 2014, 13:51:18 »
Ok, i got to the cameras and took out the cards. One camera has the lens half open so it stuck. I thought this was due to dust, but after putting a battery in the camera operated ok. Looking at the log it probably tried to boot in the morning out of playback mode and failed. The log is interesting. The reboot at 3pm prior to it failing shows that it restarted at a different focus.

Code: [Select]
Fri Sep 26 07:15:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1/400; t842; a572; s401; b1034; V4004; T13
Fri Sep 26 07:30:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1/400; t842; a572; s401; b1034; V4004; T13
Fri Sep 26 07:30:15 2014; set shooting mode on
Fri Sep 26 07:30:15 2014; switching to record mode
Fri Sep 26 07:30:16 2014; switching to day mode
Fri Sep 26 07:30:30 2014; set LCD off
Fri Sep 26 07:45:02 2014; Shot; 31; tv:1/400; t842; a572; s401; b1034; V3977; T17

Operated ok. Cut the log due to character limit of the post.

Fri Sep 26 14:45:02 2014; Shot; 59; tv:1/400; t842; a572; s401; b1034; V3967; T35
Fri Sep 26 14:50:01 2014; set LCD on
Fri Sep 26 14:50:01 2014; switching to playback mode
Fri Sep 26 14:50:02 2014; === Scheduled reboot === : lens retraction wait
Fri Sep 26 14:51:13 2014; rebooting now
Fri Sep 26 14:51:16 2014; === Started: 14:51 ===
Fri Sep 26 14:51:17 2014; CHDK 1.3.0 a2500 100a Jul  1 2014
Fri Sep 26 14:51:17 2014; CHDK version 130 okay
Fri Sep 26 14:51:18 2014; Autostarted.  Next reboot:1 days
Fri Sep 26 14:51:21 2014; starting a new day
Fri Sep 26 14:51:21 2014; start time : 07:30 stop time : 18:30
Fri Sep 26 14:52:21 2014; set LCD off
Fri Sep 26 15:00:02 2014; Shot; 1; tv:1/320; t808; a644; s401; b1079; V3967; T35

Operated ok

Fri Sep 26 18:30:02 2014; Shot; 15; tv:1/320; t808; a644; s401; b1079; V3963; T37
Fri Sep 26 18:30:06 2014; set LCD on
Fri Sep 26 18:30:06 2014; switching to night mode
Fri Sep 26 18:30:21 2014; set shooting mode off
Fri Sep 26 18:30:21 2014; switching to playback mode

The other camera also failed, but the lens appears to be okay. Here is last 24 hours of the log.

Code: [Select]
Thu Sep 25 23:15:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1/320; t821; a572; s401; b1013; V4004; T16
Thu Sep 25 23:30:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1/320; t821; a572; s401; b1013; V4004; T15
Thu Sep 25 23:45:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1/320; t821; a572; s401; b1013; V4004; T15
Fri Sep 26 00:00:00 2014; starting a new day
Fri Sep 26 00:00:00 2014; start time : 07:30 stop time : 18:30
Fri Sep 26 00:15:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1/320; t821; a572; s401; b1013; V4004; T15

Operated ok

Fri Sep 26 07:30:00 2014; No Shot; tv:1/320; t821; a572; s401; b1013; V4004; T15
Fri Sep 26 07:30:15 2014; set shooting mode on
Fri Sep 26 07:30:15 2014; switching to record mode
Fri Sep 26 07:30:17 2014; switching to day mode
Fri Sep 26 07:30:30 2014; set LCD off
Fri Sep 26 07:45:03 2014; Shot; 32; tv:1/320; t821; a572; s401; b1013; V3967; T16

Operated ok

Fri Sep 26 12:45:03 2014; Shot; 52; tv:1/320; t821; a572; s401; b1013; V3958; T30
Fri Sep 26 12:50:01 2014; set LCD on
Fri Sep 26 12:50:01 2014; switching to playback mode
Fri Sep 26 12:50:01 2014; === Scheduled reboot === : lens retraction wait
Fri Sep 26 12:51:13 2014; rebooting now

I think what happened is that the cameras went into night mode and as the first camera rebooted and the lens started to extend, the solar charger triggered a lockout of the power due to the power draw of the camera.  What was strange is that the camera with the lens failure had the power button locked down, but still couldnt get out of its mid lens status.

I will now only operate one camera to prevent the risk of failure of the battery, unless the code can be modified  to reduce power draw. The other is boot the camera slightly later so that the battery can receive some juice from the sun.


I looked at the second camera log, and it did not reboot after the scheduled restart. It just turned off. Should i reboot every 2 or three days?
« Last Edit: 14 / October / 2014, 14:54:00 by burt46 »

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v2.0
« Reply #249 on: 14 / October / 2014, 18:01:07 »
Looking at the log it probably tried to boot in the morning out of playback mode and failed.
Can you attach the complete log to a post? You should have seen the "No Shot" posts all night and prior to the "failure".  I appreciate your annotated edited versions but sometime you just have to look at the whole thing.

The reboot at 3pm prior to it failing shows that it restarted at a different focus.
Ummm ... not quite.  The script does not record focus settings - those are the APEX96 values of Tv Av Sv & Bv (plus the battery voltage in mV and the internal temperature).

I think what happened is that the cameras went into night mode and as the first camera rebooted and the lens started to extend, the solar charger triggered a lockout of the power due to the power draw of the camera.  What was strange is that the camera with the lens failure had the power button locked down, but still couldnt get out of its mid lens status.
Can you measure the current draw?  It should be possible to test this regardless - just fake the time a couple of times and see what happens ?

I will now only operate one camera to prevent the risk of failure of the battery, unless the code can be modified  to reduce power draw. The other is boot the camera slightly later so that the battery can receive some juice from the sun.
Personally, I'd try the second option - but only after running a few tests as mentioned above.

I looked at the second camera log, and it did not reboot after the scheduled restart. It just turned off. Should i reboot every 2 or three days?
There have been reports of the CHDK reboot() function not always working on all cameras.  If it's unreliable, you might want to not use it?
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