Do you think it would be difficult to change the script so that it allows shooting throughout the entire night time, and does not reset at dawn? if not, do you have any other suggestions of what I should do?
What I am looking for is just for the camera to turn off the LCD between shots at a 2 hour interval, from about 17:00 to 7 the next day for as many days as possible, while keeping the LCD off when not taking pictures in that interval.
I finally got a chance to look at the question of the script starting shooting at a later hour than it stops (i.e start at 5 PM and stop at 8 AM). It turns out the script handles this correctly. However, several things in the post quoted below confound this.
I am now trying to experiment with the time setting, such at start at 17:00 and then end at 7:10. The reset hour is at 2 by the way.
In this case, the 2 hour interval is causing confusion - see below.
The test started and the odd parts are: it took its first shot an hour late (18:00), it took the last shot at 22:00 which is before 6:00, and the LCD didnt turn back off sometime around 18:00.
First of all, when you select a 2 hour interval, the script will try to shoot at 2:00 AM, 4:00 AM, 6;00 AM ... 8:00 PM, 10:00 PM. The interval is always sync'd to the real time - not to the time after the script starts. For a 1 hour interval, the script will shoot at the top of every hour - and for a 30 minute interval it shoots on the hour and on the half hour. This was done on purpose to give repeatable and know shot times.
So when you started the script at 5 PM the first shot will not happen until 6 PM. Likewise, when the new day started, the shot at 2:00 AM does not happen if the camera restarts at 1:50 AM. Your log file did not show any times after the camera reset - did it actually continue shooting>?
Note that the reset time is coded to start 10 minutes before the hour selected in the script parameter for reasons that escape me at the moment but probably relate to not trying to restart exactly at midnight.
Also, it looks like I may have a special case at 00:00 (midnight) where that shot gets missed. The day rolls over before the decision to take the last shot of the day happens and the new day does not recognize 00:00 as a valid shot time. - I will look at that.
I also think your other bit of confusion was from the bug mentioned in a previous post when using "Playback" mode power saving during day shooting times. I'll fix that one too.