Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v4.9 - page 36 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v4.9

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.3
« Reply #350 on: 08 / November / 2015, 17:11:57 »
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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.3
« Reply #351 on: 08 / November / 2015, 17:14:05 »
What is the rationale for scripting ultimate this way?
My intention for using "fixed" times with sun-up and sun-down mode was to allow you to guarantee a "time window" during the day when you would be sure the script was taking pictures.

If you enable the sun-rise option then the script will start taking pictures when the sun comes up OR when you hit the fixed time window. 

Similarly, if you enable the sun-set option,  the script will stop taking pictures when the sun does down and if the fixed time window has ended.

That way when you get to the shortest days of the year (right about now) you can still be shooting during normal working hours for example.

I didn't see this being a problem - just set the start and stop times to 11:59 and 12:01 and the fixed "time window" effectively goes away.

My other option would have been to create a whole bunch of user parameter options that let you pick & choose what works and when.  But prior to 1.4.0 there was that 26 variable limit.   ;)
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.3
« Reply #352 on: 11 / November / 2015, 20:20:21 »
Hi all,

I'm new to CHDK and would like to use the Ultimate intervalometer on my canon camera, i've already installed chdk but could someone explain as to where to copy the script file and other basics just to get me going?


Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.3
« Reply #353 on: 11 / November / 2015, 23:00:45 »
I'm new to CHDK and would like to use the Ultimate intervalometer on my canon camera, i've already installed chdk but could someone explain as to where to copy the script file and other basics just to get me going?
Hello and welcome.  I don't know if this is the most newbie friendly forum on the internet,  but if there is ever a competition I would be willing to bet money on it scoring very high in any unbiased competition.

As to loading and running scripts,  here's a couple of useful links :
link > CHDK Scripts
link > CHDK User Manual : Scripting - Program Your Camera
link > CHDK Scripting Cross Reference Page

Check back here if this does not work for you?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.3
« Reply #354 on: 15 / November / 2015, 18:12:05 »
Thanks Waterwings, I managed to get CHDK up and running on my camera. I gotta say that this script is really great! I was also able to modify script settings using camera interface, however, the camera doesn't take pictures, the number of shots remains 0. Is there anything missing?

Also, i was wondering how can i minimize time within the bracketed set of images, for example i want the camera to take 5 exposures at 1/8 sec between each exposure and the next.

Thanks again for your help,

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.3
« Reply #355 on: 15 / November / 2015, 19:09:12 »
Thanks Waterwings, I managed to get CHDK up and running on my camera. I gotta say that this script is really great! I was also able to modify script settings using camera interface, however, the camera doesn't take pictures, the number of shots remains 0. Is there anything missing?
Ummm ... did you actually start the script running by pressing the shutter button when the camera is in CHDK <ALT> mode?   

If so,  please make sure you have logging to the SD card enabled.  Then save the resulting log file from the root folder of you SD card as an attachment here and I'll take a look?

Also, i was wondering how can i minimize time within the bracketed set of images, for example i want the camera to take 5 exposures at 1/8 sec between each exposure and the next.
The best you are going to do is about 2 seconds per shot.  That's just how fast these little P&S cameras can shoot.

For some of the better cameras,  there are tricks to get as much as two shots per second but the script does not have those tricks built in.  Getting down to .125 seconds per exposure is not likely.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.3
« Reply #356 on: 16 / November / 2015, 00:03:51 »
I switched logging to both and it worked (it was set to SD card).
I'm planning on using this script to capture bracketed HDRIs, how can i get the script to change the shutter speed (exposure) and not iso speed or exposure bias?


Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.3
« Reply #357 on: 16 / November / 2015, 04:14:28 »

I switched logging to both and it worked (it was set to SD card).
Good news.  But just changing that would not cause it to start taking pictures if it previously wasn't.

I'm planning on using this script to capture bracketed HDRIs, how can i get the script to change the shutter speed (exposure) and not iso speed or exposure bias?
You will needed a modified script. When I get a few minutes this week I'll take a look at it.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.4
« Reply #358 on: 23 / November / 2015, 20:46:21 »
Thank you Waterwingz, i look forward to trying the new modified script!


Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v3.4
« Reply #359 on: 23 / November / 2015, 20:54:42 »
Thank you Waterwingz, i look forward to trying the new modified script!
reyalp has a favorite expression he uses at times :  "shipwright's disease".  Google it.

The new version of the script will require CHDK 1.4.0 or better.   That means the current development version .. which will likely be the stable version shortly.

And it has a pile of new features and some fixes for obscure things that did not actually work exactly as expected in previous versions.

If you'd like a beta version of what I'm testing now, feel free to PM me.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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