Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v4.9 - page 49 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Ultimate Intervalometer - a script for shooting over a long duration - v4.9

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I had this moment that I touched a key between shots and that ended in the statusled lit with no more shots taken, but that is it
I still need to look into that.  The screen should turn back on when you touch a key but in some modes it does not.
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Offline Mlapse

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when i touched the key, the screen did turn on. i just left it alone after that and then it does again turn off lcd.

i also tried to load this test3 in my a490, but for some reason it will not and trying romlog it leaves me with a romlogerr (file not saved).
« Last Edit: 23 / March / 2018, 11:15:58 by Mlapse »
frustration is a key ingredient in progress

i also tried to load this test3 in my a490, but for some reason it will not and trying romlog it leaves me with a romlogerr (file not saved).
A ROMLOG is only created when the camera software actually crashes in a somewhat controlled manner.  Everything you have reported so far are things related to CHDK scripting issues and not camera crashes.  So you won't see a ROMLOG file in those cases.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline Mlapse

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my understanding grows by the minute...but I have not been able to reproduce the lens retract on the a480.

the a490 does run ultimate.lua, but I only use it with bklite setting, display turns off between shots. if I put that on playkey behaviour looks similar, no lens retract. 
frustration is a key ingredient in progress

the a490 does run ultimate.lua, but I only use it with bklite setting, display turns off between shots. if I put that on playkey behaviour looks similar, no lens retract.
Log file please?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Updated test script.  Using Playkey now works smoothly on my S100 and A560.

Let me know what you see?

Also this version seems to behave exactly like the previous one on my S95. So lens retracts but screen stays on.


Offline Mlapse

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Log file please?

hereby, the lcd turned off after a minute or so, i ran the script for >5min before I stopped camera. on/off button moved lens in and out, camera was on again.
frustration is a key ingredient in progress

Not sure if it helps, but this would still be the log file from the latest tested version on my S95.

Not sure if it helps, but this would still be the log file from the latest tested version on my S95.
Sorry - I've lost track of who still has what problem.   I've updated the script download to v4.8 which has the fix for crashing when switching to playback mode with the LCD set off.

Download the latest version,  rerun with your desired setup, and post a new log file here and a problem description if you are still having issues?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline Mlapse

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for the a480 bklite and playkey looks very similar, no lens retract.
But that is normal for this model, if I press the play key when in shooting mode the camera does not retract the lens.
Only when I plug in the usb cable when the camera is in shooting mode it switches to playmode and  the lens gets automatically retracted.

the difference is that you hear a click when it switches for a few seconds to playmode showing last taken picture then goes black and some 10 seconds before the next shot you hear a click again. until next shot is taken screen stays black.

I've first run the script with playmode at 1 minute interval, then switched to bklite and restarted the script.
« Last Edit: 07 / April / 2018, 14:11:14 by Mlapse »
frustration is a key ingredient in progress


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