The code that sets the zoom position is not very sophisticated. It simply calls the CHDK set_zoom( ) function and then pauses 2 seconds. Try changing that to 10 seconds and see what happens? (line 295 in the most recent version of the script).
@toonamos, since you experience this and are rebooting every 3 days.
can you adapt the script and test that?
first of all, I never use the zoom function, because of the unexpected side effects. i think the last time I tried was a year back, just before i set zoom in custom mode on all my S model cams. The A series cams are only used for testing purposes so i never set zoom on those.
I just did a quick test (DEBUG) with the A480 and S95.
I tried the original and 10 sec delay version of the script.
results were similar, 10 seconds in debug is nearly nothing.
i did not even need a reboot for the zoom shift to happen....i've also experienced that before....after this has happend a few times in debug it sometimes sticks even after a clean start of the cam.
but the A480 was dead after it finished zooming after a reboot with both the short and long delay in zoom. With zoom=off it reboots and starts taking shots again
that is odd, because I have seen that A480 work after a reboot with zoom and I can't remember any software changes on that cam since... it might be related to the debug feature, it runs not all functions equally quickly.
When I set focus@infinity and start the script the A480 displays AFL on screen. The square of the S95 only turns green at a shot taken (the green square indicates AFL is set)