It's great to know about 1.4 parameters and future offset option for ultimate. Huge thanks to everyone involved in these ever-better enhancements to CHDK and scripts. It's a wonderful system!
I'm puzzled about ultimate's implementation of shooting-start and shooting-end. I'm wondering, am I the only person wishing for this to be different?
When I want clock-time to be used for start and end of shooting, I will disable dawn/dusk options and set hours-minutes for start and end. Then I know I can rely on my start/end times being used over the entire run.
Not so when I enable dawn/dusk options. In that case, I would *like* sunrise/sunset times to be used on each day over the entire run. However, I cannot rely on sunrise/sunset being used throughout, because the script actually does something different, as follows.
When 'start at dawn' is enabled, if hour-minute start time happens to be earlier, the hour-minute time will be used and time of sunrise will be ignored. Similarly when 'end at dusk' is enabled, the time of sunset will be ignored if hour-minute end time is later.
In that situation, my hour-minute parameters will be holding either default values or relic values from a prior run. I simply want to ignore them - that's why I enabled dawn/dusk. But at present, for a new run, I must guesstimate the future sunrise/set times, and then take care to change the existing hour-minute parameters, to prevent them from over-riding the sunrise/sunset times that I really want to use.
What is the rationale for scripting ultimate this way?