Here you go.
The log shows you ran the script four time, each time with the power saving settings set to the same thing for both day & night modes (PlayKey). I was sort of hoping to see what some of the other settings would do.
Once I start the script the camera tilts as soon as the energy saving kicks in. This happens with all energy saving options except "LCD" and "Backlight".
The "LCD" and "Backlight" options turn off electronics in the camera. Sounds like those work fine.
The "DispKey" , "PlayKey" , "ShrtCut" options basically simulate presses of the respective buttons on the back of the camera to try and place the camera into a "lower power" mode when not actually shooting.
The "ShrtCut" option requires you to setup the Canon shortcut action to be "sleep" or "Display Off"
The "PlayKey" should switch the camera from shooting to playback mode in between shots. So if by "tilts" you mean the lens retracts and the camera seems to go into playback mode, that's normal.
The "DispKey" option is really only useful for cameras with an optical view finder (OVF). On those cameras, you can click the Display Key until the display turns off. You S95 does not have an OVF so this mode is not useful to you.