The script gives you the option to either not set the zoom position or to set it to a fixed percentage position. There is no way to turn "off" the zoom setting in the script parameter and to also define a zoom position. What am I missing?
after testing it some more I hear an extra click before and after the shot when zoom shift happens......probably the zoom being activated.
the zoom shift issue is there with all CHDK scripts that implement zoom or reboot, so maybe this deserves a seperate thread.
and no worries, it confused me a bit too....I'll try to explain are missing that i define zoom position in canon's firmware(called CF after this)
In Ultimate Intervalometer(called UI after this) you can set the zoom to OFF, yes? (I do not care yet if that is really off, it's what it is called in the script)
On my S95 i have the ability to set zoom manually (P, M, auto mode, whatever) and save that setting to custom mode (C mode)
If i then boot CHDK in custom mode it will start up with the zoom as set when I saved it in P, M or auto mode.
Now I have set zoom in CF and have not set it in UI.
Zoom will happen at (re)boot as per CF 'C' setting.
This works stable until a reboot, then the zoom shift with each shot sets in.......out of sync with shoot mechanical clicks are noticable after reboot
Other combinations:
setting it in UI, not setting it in CF: creates the zoom shift with each shot from start. (also happens on other cam models like my M10 and A series)
setting it both in UI (60%) and in CF (50mm): seems to be stable in zoom setting even after a reboot. (only possible with camera's that support a custom mode)