A4000IS CHDK settings for remote trigger - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

A4000IS CHDK settings for remote trigger

  • 2 Replies
A4000IS CHDK settings for remote trigger
« on: 03 / June / 2013, 05:09:27 »
I'm setting up my A4000IS camera for DIYbookscanning photography. I'm currently testing just a single camera with CHDK. After spending ages trying to figure out how to get 1.01b onto the camera, I settled with 1.01a automatically done by STICK software. I've managed to get into the alt menu, select scripts, and they work. However, although some scripts appear to take a picture when the remote trigger is pressed, no picture is saved. I'm also getting frustrated because it seems I have to run the script by pressing the camera trigger button, but then it runs and finishes the entire script without giving me a chance to use the remote trigger.
What are the CHDK settings I need to configure to allow me to use the remote trigger?
Current steps done:
1) Press play to turn camera on.
2) Press menu and select firmware update: to
3) Press play to go into alt menu.
4) press fn to go into script menu.
5) Select Scripting Parameters
6) select Load script from file
7) Select shoot.bas
8) Select remote parameters > enable remote [on] > switch type [onepush] > control mode [normal]
9) Autostart is [off]; Parameters set is
  • ; save parameters is [on].

What am I doing wrong??
Thanks, Dave

Re: A4000IS CHDK settings for remote trigger - SOLVED
« Reply #1 on: 03 / June / 2013, 05:22:19 »
Aha!! Moments later I chanced upon a post for a remote trigger. Running it did the trick! Yay!:

@title Remote button

while 1
  wait_click 1
  if is_key "remote" then shoot

Re: A4000IS CHDK settings for remote trigger
« Reply #2 on: 03 / June / 2013, 10:29:39 »
What are the CHDK settings I need to configure to allow me to use the remote trigger?
8) Select remote parameters > enable remote [on] > switch type [onepush] > control mode [normal]
You have things configured correctly.  What you are missing is the understanding that once you setup the remote configuration, it will be active when you exit <ALT> mode.  No script needed.  Just return to regular shooting mode  (no <ALT> on the bottom of the screen).     When you do that,  applying 5V to the USB port and removing it will cause a picture to be taken.
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