I'm trying to get chdkptp set up on a raspberry pi. I'm only interested in getting the console interface working and
not the GUI.
The issue I'm having is that
pi@raspberrypi ~/Documents/starcamera $ ./chdkptp-sample.sh
/home/pi/Documents/starcamera/chdkptp: error while loading shared libraries: libiuplua51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
pi@raspberrypi ~/Documents/starcamera $ locate libcdlua51.so
which seems strange because in chdk-sample.sh I've set
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:usr/lib
export LUA_PATH="$CHDKPTP_DIR/lua/?.lua"
"$CHDK_PTP/chdkptp" "$@" -i -c
and set CHDKPTP_DIR to the correct directory
I've worked through most of the steps in this post:
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6231.msg88342#msg88342However I haven't done this:
To the distro lua package, the following needs to be set
export LUA_SUFFIX=
export LUA_INC=/usr/include/lua5.1
Because I don't know what, or where, these things are.
I'm using all the precompiled libraries
on a pi with Raspbian "Wheezy" os
As always any help is greatly appreciated.